So about Game of Thrones (S03E01 spoilers, but otherwise spoiler-free):
Yesterday we re-watched the season 2 finale and it was dull and disappointing, just “ugh moment” after “ugh moment”. So I went into season 3 with healthily low expectations. But I really have no complaints. Yay!
Well, ok, so once again they cheated and copped out from showing the fight at the Fist of the First Men, which was a bit lame. And Sam not only DOES send the ravens, but plays an even larger and awesomer role, but I guess they’ll build up to that in this season, maybe? I also found it a bit silly that Ghost just happened to be there to help, instead of being with Jon Snow. We finally get a direwolf and it’s nowhere where it should be. They also changed Jon Snow’s reason to turn his cloak, and I thought his new excuse was a bit thin, but it worked. Ygritte is one of my favorite characters and I thought I hated her casting, but today I realized that rather than it being the actress’s fault, she just hadn’t had any good lines until this episode.
The Starks were meh and slow in this one. Stannis/Davos/Melisandre scenes were short but effective.
Margaery started to win me over. I wasn’t a fan of how ambitious and sexual she was presented in season 2, but she pulled off the double-edged sweet & innocent act this episode. Tyrion and Tywin were amazingly good, and their scene together was just fan-girl perfect- as has been the case every time when source material and original dialogue are respected. I understand why they made it obvious that it is Littlefinger who tries to help Sansa escape, rather than keep it a mystery. Necessary change.
Likewise as to why Barristan Selmy’s identity was made obvious from the start when he meets Daenerys. Speaking of which, Dany’s scenes were my favorite despite the fake looking bug. They really are setting the whole Astapor thing well, and I’m very much looking forward to this storyline with the Unsullied. I thought it was really well acted and subtle.
Maybe there’s yet hope for season 3!